Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I wrote this in early July after one of my schoolmates died...

It always takes a little time to process the fact that a young person has died...
…especially to the disgusting disease that is cancer. The person on my mind right now was not my friend, but many of my friends knew him and if I was a year younger I would have certainly known him. I read some of his parents’ blog and to an extent, it was painful. To see cancer leach away someone’s life like that just made me sad and angry.
I wish that he had come out of it, that it didn’t come back to take his young life. I wish he would have been able to live out the rest of his days. And the thing is, I’m not even his friend. I can’t imagine the pain his friends are feeling right now, knowing that next year at school there will be a void the size of their dearly beloved friend in there. I cannot even begin to imagine the overwhelming sense of loss his two sisters are feeling. And don’t even get me started with his parents.
But it was only painful to an extent. I know for a fact that this kid gave his life to Christ beforehand. Knowing that he is chilling with Jesus now—that at the end, cancer and Satan lost—is a very soothing balm to an aching soul. His family is saved too—so at least I know that God will be there, helping them, soothing all of their pain.
The kid’s name was Andrew. His sisters’ names are Emily and Brianna. Would you please pray that God would help them and their parents be able to deal with this loss? Thanks.

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