Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have really been introduced to college now.

Granted I've been here for a month. I spent the last two weeks getting used to living in my dorm, getting lost trying to get to places, trying to make friends, socializing, and getting used to the college class schedule. I was kind of floating through, thinking somewhat of classes but largely paying attention to my social life and finding out how not to get locked out of my room.

Then, last week, I got my first grades back. Let me just say that they were a nice abrupt introduction to college as an institution of higher LEARNING.

Let the games begin.

I'm actually happy, though, that my first grades were something of a smack in the face. Before that classes were kind of a haze. I knew that I needed to do well--I had only been told that seven million times by parents, siblings and everyone else before going--but I didn't know what I needed to do, and I didn't know necessarily how this was going to happen. Now I feel ready to tackle these classes and make them obey me.

I've gotten into more than one conversation where the other person mentioned staying in the library until 4:00 am or 6:30 am to study. Quite frankly, I can't do that. I'm not very good at staying up past 1:00 am, and I've learned from junior year that getting zero sleep during the week and crashing on the weekends is not the way to go. Med school/grad school/the next few years might prove me wrong on that, but for now I reserve my right to sleep for a reasonable amount of time. I've also found that I'm much better at studying pretty much anywhere that's not my dorm.

I've figured that I should probably spend most of my time out of classes or extracurriculars in the library or a computer lab doing work. If I do that I'll actually be able to sleep at night.

Go classwork!

But, but, but, I also somewhat feel that if I do this rigorous schedule I won't have any time to rest or do some type of quiet time. I'm not exactly used to scheduling that but it's going to have to happen sometime.

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